Thinking about starting a tech business? We've created free email-based course to guide you!

This 7 part email series packages up everything we've learned building over 200 tech products, often with founders who've never started a company before! We've also included product roadmap templates, vendor evaluation checklists, and tons more resources you'd pay $$$ for elsewhere.



Starting your tech journey: Key considerations

We’ll guide you through the key skills you need to successfully build the software that powers your business, whether you choose to use an outside agency or hire and build your own team. These skills are universally useful and we’ll be sharing case-studies, document templates, and open-book financials from some of the 150+ founders we’ve worked with over the last decade.


Defining your goals and aligning them with your business strategy

What do you aim to achieve? How does your product align with your overall strategy? These goals will shape all your future decisions.


Understanding your market: The key to meeting user needs

Here's the truth: a "great idea" doesn't automatically translate into a successful product. The key is to ensure that your product solves a real problem for your target audience. You might think your idea is brilliant, but if your potential users don't see the value, you'll struggle to gain traction.


The role of a tech-savvy team in your success

When looking for your tech person or team, it's essential to find someone who cares, puts in the work, and is there to bounce ideas off of. They should be solutions-focused rather than tools-focused, and willing to help and take action.


Planning, estimating and budgeting: Setting yourself up for success

Before you start planning, it's essential to define your next milestone goal. Is this a prototype to raise money? Do you need to reach a certain number of active users? Having a clear target will help guide your planning process.


Understanding tech proposals: Deciphering jargon and quotes

Most external dev teams and agencies want to do right by you, build interesting things together with their clients, and have you leave happy, but there are a lot of pitfalls for you both to fall into.


Building the coalition: Who should be on your team, what role you should play, and what's the day-to-day?

As the founder and key stakeholder, you are the visionary driving the product vision and business strategy forward. But don't forget about the hidden stakeholders, like investors and other influential parties who have a stake in your success. Lean on knowledgeable stakeholders, such as industry or workflow-specific experts, to provide valuable insights and guidance.


Beyond development: Growing and evolving your tech product

As a founder, one of your primary responsibilities is finding the right balance between continued development, conserving cash, and learning from your users. It's crucial to stay true to your original vision while remaining responsive to user feedback.

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